Billy the traveling bed bug
Hola todos
Well to start off the letter will tell you about Billy,
So Elder Durrant and I are teaching this family that lives in this po dunk trailer park (my type of people :)) ) hahah and we have always been a little wary of bed bugs when we go over there but this time we decided to go inside and have the lesson because it was 50000 degrees outside and the lesson went well and everything until we started on out way home and I pulled out my planner and saw Billy the traveling bed bug and we both freaked out and grabbed the alcohol spray and sprayed everything down and well lets just say that billy is no longer here with us. Bed bug scares are the worst but it always makes for a good experience.
Miracle #1
This week we went back to follow up with beth (name has been changed) the one that was our miracle find a couple weeks ago and she told us the coolest story. So when we got to her house the door was already open and she said "I knew you were coming today because I prayed and asked for it So I left the door open" well we were both in shock because how often does that happen? and then she told us that the time when had had come before she and known we were coming because the night before she had prayed for us to come as well! Seriously so cool. She also said she has continued to pray about investigating and started to read the book of mormon and she said " you are probably going to think I am crazy But I feel like it is all true... " and well we were speechless again (this doesn't happen very much to me because usually it is hard to get me to be quiet) then she said that she knew she needs to be baptized (she knows this from study the doctrine with out us asking her too) and she first needs to get her husband on board but will be coming to church. It was a miracle and proof that god answers prayers.
Miracle #2
Longhui and Angelina who came to church last week had such a great experience that they said they talked to their parents about being baptized and there parents said "if you believe that it is true and feel it is right for you we will support you" they also said that they have recognized god answering their prayers. The progress that they have made in the last 3 weeks is amazing. We told them we will wait to set a date for baptism until they get to church again. God is good.
Miracle #3
Doug and Jessica are getting baptized this coming Sunday!!!! I am so excited for them. They are my favorite people that I have met here in Ohio and are the reason that I saw my testimony grow so much in the first 6 months of my mission. the gospel is good.
sad news from the week... President told me that my calling has been changed and that I am not assigned to speak spanish anymore and that I am and english Elder. There are no more branches in the mission so there are no more spanish Elders :((
Well it was a good week, didn't wreck on my bike so that is a plus. :))
as time goes on and I continue to recognize gods hand in my life I am more and more grateful for Everything I have and the opportunity to be here in Ohio serving as a representative of the lord.
Remember to trust in the answers that you receive to prayers and you wont go astray.
Read ur scriptures.
Love y'all!
Elder Frandsen
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