Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Another Week, Another Dollar....

Hay y'all,

​Last district photo before everyone is transferred

Here is another one,
What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?
"It's Christmas, Eve." 

Getting better every week :))

Good story for the week:
WE have been meeting with this guy for a bit and recently he stopped taking his meds So he ended up getting pink slipped and is in the psych ward at the near by hospital. So we still go and visit him a couple times a week to help him feel supported. But since he has gone cold turkey off his meds, the withdrawals have caused him to have a split personality. So the other night he told us he was actually 68, not 37, he had died 14 times and resurrected himself every time and that we were 2 crip gang members from Chicago. We weren’t quite sure how to respond to that. Next time we went and saw him he didn’t remember a word from that conversation so hopefully it was a step forward!

Other than that there wasn’t a whole lot else that happened, Lisa and her little boy Kenji finished 1 Nephi this week. She told us how grateful she is for the Book of Mormon and prayer because it is giving her so much more strength and desire to overcome the trials she is having in her life. It is so cool to watch everytime the power and happiness that comes into people lives when they start to actually search for God and read from the Book of Mormon.  She also watched half of conference and said she felt like the messages were directed towards her. Sonja is doing awesome like always and has almost finished the Book of Mormon and keeps telling us that before she was already a happy person but since she has been reading the Book of Mormon she has been 10x happier! Happy, you wonder why more people haven’t given the Book of Mormon a chance? 

Conference was awesome! I felt like there was 3 themes that stuck out to me
1. Trusting in the plan of salvation and a loving heavenly father
2. The Book of Mormon
3. Overcoming our doubts

Of course I am sure that many of you probably got completely different messages out of what was said. That is the amazing thing about the Holy Ghost and how it teaches us all something different and specific to our needs even though we all were listening to the same thing. I especially loved Elder Stevenson’s and Elder Ballads talks and of course I loved President Monsons talk about the Plan of happiness. I am so grateful for modern day prophets and apostles and the opportunity to be able to hear from them every 6 months. I hope that we don’t take that for granted. 

Tomorrow I go to pick up my new companion/trainee/son from Kirtland... I am really excited for the opportunity to show him the ropes of missionary work. 

Well that is all for this week! 
I want to leave a challenge for anyone that is willing, If you aren’t already studying from the Book of Mormon daily you should decide now to set aside 10 minutes a day to do so. The blessings that come from reading the Book of Mormon daily are awesome :)

I love you all!
Until next week,
Elder Frandsen

Made Elder Durrant a beer cake for his 21st birthday... found the beer can in the street, haha not sure how sanitary it is.

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