in honor of my almost 6 month remaining mark....
Q: What's the difference between taking a bath in dirty water and dating a returned missionary?
A: The dirty water leaves a ring.
anyways, Here is a run down of another week here in Lima Ohio.
Thing #1: Last Wednesday we were able to meet with a Part member Less Active family for the first time. It was actually a really cool experience and I am pretty excited about it.. here is what happened. So we went in and right off the bat the children loved us and were trying to show us all of their toys and the usual run down... Kids are a way to the parents heart (That rhymes right?) So we sat down and explained our purpose of wanting to meet with them and right after that the mother shared with us about how in the last few months she and her husband had felt that they needed the gospel back in their lives, after being inactive for 12 years since moving from California. They have a son who is ten who I asked if he wanted to learn more about God and Jesus Christ and talked a little bit about prophets and he said he would love to. The parents said that they had been thinking about retaking the discussions as well and decided that they would do it together as a family!! Talk about being in the right place at the right time... God truly does lead us to those who are ready and willing to meet. So we will be meeting with them again in the coming week and see what happens from there.
Thing #2: WE have an investigator named Alan who has been investigating for a little bit over a month or 2 now and we sat down a couple weeks ago and decided to really focus on helping him to progress. So we focused on helping him to keep commitments and have those spiritual experiences necessary to become converted. Last week we focused on the Book of Mormon and for him to pray about baptism and this week we focused on the Plan of Salvation. Last night when we were teaching him we were talking about the atonement and while they were talking about it the spirit prompted me very strongly to, right at the moment, share Alma 7:11-13 and then to share 14-16 and follow up on baptism. Well even though that wasn’t what we had planned you should listen to the spirit when it comes. So I did just that and first we talked about 11-13 and about the atonement and that led perfectly into 14-16 which are scriptures talking about baptism that I had never shared before in a lesson. So when we read them I asked him if he had prayed about being baptized and if so what was the answer. He answered with a very solid, “yes,” which took both Elder Bennett and I back by surprise because the week prior he had seemed so hesitant. It was another testimony builder of the power and ability of the spirit to change the hearts of those we teach and how important it is to act on those promptings when they come. The member who was with us loved the lesson so much that he has offered to come with us every time we teach Alan! Miracles all around.
Thing#3: Last week we had members out with us almost every day! This week we are already on track to beat that. We had a different member with us at 6 different lessons yesterday, it was awesome! We met with another investigator last week with a member from the ward and they hit it right off and it was so much more natural for the member to invite the person to keep a commitment rather than us. That investigator made a lot of progress in that lesson in recognizing the spirit. Elder Bennet and I have been focusing pretty hard on effective planning and effective planning with members and we have seen the blessing comes from it already. The members even invited us to teach seminary this morning... let’s just say 6:00 seminary back at home would have been a rough one for me but the lesson went good.
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Another picture that Rachel gave us. |
Thing#5: Last miracle of the week... So Sunday after church we had a member come out and drive us around to do some stop-bys. We first got into a part member families home and met with the grandma for a bit and it went well and we can visit her now on the weekends. The best part was when she told us of how a young man who is a member that hasn't been for a while and moved next door. Well, the member we had with us had been this guy’s Young Men’s leader before so we went over and the kid was home with his girlfriend. He and the member hit it right off and the kid is really cool and is still paying his tithing but not coming to church and had kind of disappeared the last 5 years... So the member told about how much the ward missed him and how much his grandma missed him and told him to come back. It was bold but it was filled with love. The kid said yes and he knew that he needed to come back but what had been holding him back was just the fear of it all because it had been so long. WEll then he turned to us and asked us to share something with his girlfriend so we did and she then told us that she wanted to come to church with him because she had stopped going a couple years ago to her old church and they knew they needed it. After wards it was really cool to see how happy the member was from that experience and plus the fact that we were again in the right place at the right time to be able to figure out that he lived there. God is good.
Well that is all for this week! I love my mission... it has been the best thing for me to be doing with my life for the past year and a half. I wouldn’t want to be any where else at this time. I am grateful for the scriptures, prayer, and the opportunity to take the sacrament each week. I love you all!
Until next week,
Elder Frandsen
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