Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Suns Out Guns Out

Hello Family! (and others who may be reading this as well) 

     I have this problem where every time I come to the computer to write my weekly letter home my brain just goes blank and all of a sudden I can’t remember anything that has happened in the past week... I am not sure If that comes from being a Frandsen or the fact that I was dropped on my head as a child one too many times. With that being said, try to stay with me as I remember what happened this week. 

     I will start out with a little story first. The other day Elder Alder and I decided to go out to one of the many little towns in our area that we have yet to visit and go work out there for a bit.  One of the members who lives in one of the little towns populated with about 50 people asked us to help out with some yard stuff for a little bit because she just had surgery. Well on the way out to her house, as we drove past a million and a half farms, we finally made it to a town of little houses. The first thing we see is this girl who is fully decked out in bud light beer can boxes from head to toe (Looked kind of like a robot, if that gives you a better visual)  smoking a cigarette and yelling to some people down the road. So we look down the road and what do we see? Tom sawyer and gang coming out of the river with their canoe falling all over each other. Turns out that the walking bud light advertisement lived right next door to the member that we were helping out along with Tom sawyer and the gang.  It was one sight that I will never forget. I wish I would have had my camera to take a picture of it all, lol. Afterwards we drove to some of the other outlying towns and every single one had a giant Catholic church building that dominated the town and 95% of the towns were Catholic and had gone to that church for like 8 generations back.

     The other noteworthy thing that happened this week was when we had exchanges I was able to go with Elder Hulet who is a former assistant, we have been on exchanges before. It was weird to be the leader of the exchange this time but it was super fun.  We had an appointment fall through so we went tracting for 30 minutes and once again we found 2 new investigators in that small span of time. Later on that night I had the feeling that we should go and stop by a former investigator who fell off the map right before I got to the area, so around 8:50 at night we stopped by and he was home!! So we set a return appointment with him and we saw him a couple days later and had a really good lesson with him and are teaching him again now. 

    That was basically about it for the week. The thing that is really frustrating about this area is so many of the people work on Sundays and they have families to care for or other reasons and the bosses of these people are not very willing to let them even take off three hours Sunday morning and then come to work. It is really frustrating... Fred hasn’t progressed because of it and it is hard for the Sterchaks, and every Sunday that they could come satan is trying his hardest to make sure that they don’t with either car problems or health problems. But the one good thing about it is that if they make it through that hard time then it really strengthens their faith and their resolve. 

     This week we are able to go to the temple for personal worship and I am really excited... we are going to the Indianapolis temple which is a pretty neat temple. It will be a refresher and a boost for me to finish out the rest of my mission strong. I am grateful for the temple and all the blessings that come form it. I am grateful for all the many lessons I have learned on my mission and I know God works according to the faith of the children of men. I read in Ether chapter 12 again this morning and something interesting that I read in verse12 that i hadn’t really thought about before... It says that God can do no miracles among the children of men if there be no faith and I realized that God really CANNOT perform miracles among those who have no faith, because they aren’t humble enough to recognize the miracles or to even accept his help.  God can’t force miracles upon us, he can only help us when we are willing. Which goes along with verse 27 that talks about making weaknesses into strengths if we are humble. IT talks about the power of faith and humility together and how God can work miracles with someone who has faith and is humble versus some one who is prideful. When we are humble we are willing to submit to God’s will and by doing that he shows us what things we need to work on and little by little he makes us strong. I really love the scriptures and all that they teach me and help me to understand... well that is all for this week!  Love you all! 

Until next week, 

Elder Frandsen

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