I am not sure where to even begin in expressing my thoughts and feelings about the last 2 years of my life. I feel that words cant describe how I feel about what has happened... But I will try my best.
I remember the day like it was yesterday, Driving to the MTC with my family thinking how much I would miss all of them and all of a sudden we were there, we got out and I said goodbye and walked away knowing that I wouldn’t see them again for 2 years. Those first three days felt like 2 years long each and I was wondering how I was ever going to do this, but determined to succeed, I went on. All of a sudden I was stepping off a plane into what felt like a wall of water in the mid summer humidity of Ohio, again wondering what I had gotten myself into, nevertheless I was excited for the challenge that lay ahead although 2 years felt like forever at that point. Throughout it all, the days have felt like weeks and the weeks have felt like days. Like I said it feels like yesterday I stepped off that plane thinking two years was a long time and now here I am, 2 years later wondering where the time went? When it started I couldn’t wait to be done, now that its done I would give anything to go back to when it started. At first I missed home, but now I feel that this place has become my home. This is where I have come to find my testimony of and become converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have watched the Gospel in action for the last two years in so many different peoples lives and I can’t deny that there is a God and that his son Jesus Christ lives again so that we also may live again. It is through Him and only him that we can find true happiness in this life and true healing from the afflictions of mortality. I Know now more than I did before that Christ is at the head of this church and leads it through Revelation. I am grateful for God and the person he has made me to be in the last two years. I have learned so much and wouldn’t trade these experiences for anything. These have been the hardest two years of my life but at the same time they have been the Best two years of my life. I Truly love the people here and have loved every minute of my time with them.
With that being said...
Bye Cleveland ily |
I was able to say bye to a lot of people this week.Elder McCarrey, who had a training meeting up in Cleveland and I got to work in Lakewood for a few hours, I saw Willy and Stephanie Holleyfield! We pulled up to their house and got out and they didn’t recognize me from a distance but when they saw who I was they both got super excited and It was so good to be able to sit down and get to talk to them again :) It really was a great last week and I am so grateful to have been able to serve with Elder McCarrey for this last transfer. He is a great missionary and we have worked really well together and he helped me to finish strong. I also gave a talk this week on the relationship between faith and works and I really enjoyed it and learned some good things while preparing it. That was about all that happened this week!
I want to thank all of you who helped me to get out on a mission and all of you who have supported me while I have been out here. I am excited to see you all again and I am excited for what life has to offer from here on out. God is good and he knows each one of his children and he knows exactly what to do to help us learn and grow and these last two in years in this place are exactly what I needed to be able to learn and grow. I am so grateful for The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Well, thats all from me for this week and for two years. I love you all!
Stay Cute,
Stay Cute,
Elder Frandsen
P.S. Hello Everyone! My home coming will be This Sunday, July 30th, and the Sacrament Meeting begins at 1:00 and the address is 1150 East 1240 South Spanish Fork Utah. I would love to see all of you there!
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