Wednesday, June 22, 2016

#allin216 #thedroubtisover #protecttheland#cleveland#miracles#yeet

Hello Fellow Friends, Family and Acquaintances,

The Cav's Home

Yesterday we were given some foam fingers as we walked the streets...
 (yes that is the covered bald spot from the barber) 

    Hope your week went well and that god has watched over you as he has watched over this poor wayfaring city this week! It was one for the books... It looks like all the prayers really paid of for Lebron and Co. #champs the city went wild last night after the cavs won and I couldn’t fall asleep due to the amount of gun shots, fireworks, sirens and horns going off for about 3 hours or more straight. People were literally taking their guns out side and just unloading them into the air, ha-ha the people here are crazy. But when I woke up this morning and went outside it seemed like the city was brighter...  or something like that.

Well here are some bright spots from the week.

We had 12 investigators at church yesterday plus 4 less actives :) . It was one of the craziest days at church because I was playing mommy for Charisses children, like 6 of them ha-ha. I had to help them stay reverent during church, guide them to their classes and then find and round them up after church and then guide them to the car.... by the end of all of it one of the kids turned around to me and said "hey Happy Father’s day dad" ha-ha, it was the funniest thing and all the members that were around couldn’t stop laughing. But we were able to get most of the things planned out for the 4 baptisms we have this week at church, so it was all good :) ‘Twas a good day.

Other miracles, this week Elder Brady and I were conversing with some members and the idea came up of getting one of Charisses kids to girls camp this week and so I took it and ran with it. So we made some calls, visited with the girl (Alexis) and presented it to her and she said yes. So, when they came to church she and Charisse met with some of the members and they talked about it for an hour (talk about a miracle for fellowship) and got it all worked out! So she is going one day this week for girl’s camp. I think that will be a really awesome experience for her. 

Charisse has only smoked one cigarette this week! She is still on date for baptism this week and so are her other 3 children, Tiffany, Alexis and Mercedes. Another cool thing is that we set a Temple date with her and Alexis for July 9th and this week, we are having a stake member come and do family history with them both to get them names :)))) miracles, miracles, miracles :)))) Who woulda thought 3 months ago that this family would be where they are now?? God is a god of miracles. The other fun thing that happened with that family this week is that we went over for a BBQ on Sunday night and let me tell you that these inner city folks really know how to cook up some mean ribs. Also I had one of the other family members try and propose to me, it was kind of funny... later that night I texted her the scripture story of Joseph and Potipher’s wife... I don’t think she was to happy about that, lol. 

More miracles, so we have been working with a returning member towards the temple and this week he met with the bishop and set a date for the temple!! We also found him a ton of names to take to the temple :))))) Another less active/ returning member miracle was that we took another guy to the Family history center and he found 15 names to take to the temple! He was crying after wards because of the spirit he felt during that time... it was quite amazing :) 

Weird story, well Elder Brady and I came in contact with another man in the streets of Cleveland that thinks Jesus is black and that because of it that us white folk will not be saved... well I wasn't in the best mood because right before that the chain on my bike had broken and we were by a Spanish shop so I went to ask the Spaniards for help but I didn't know how to say tire in Spanish. So, I kept saying the round things on my bike in Spanish and we all had a good laugh about it...buuut after they helped me fix it the guy came up and proceeded to try and bible bash with us so I just said, " Alright sir, if you can prove to us with scriptures that Jesus was black and that he is only going to save a certain color of people then I will pay you 5 bucks, but if not, then you have to take this Book of Mormon and meet with us and let us share a message with you." So he agreed and then tried to prove to us that Jesus was black but failed miserably and accepted the book. We got him the info, but he still wouldn't accept the restoration pamphlet because the pick of Jesus was white on the front ha-ha-ha. It was a good time. 

Well this week was great, miracles everywhere, The Cav’s are the champions, the people are happy and nice and life is hopeful. The book is blue and the church is true :)

17 points of the true church... if you have time you should listen to it, really good talk. 

read ur scriptures

be good

keep the commandments

send some knee mails

Love you all!

hasta la semana que viene,

Elder Frandsen

Zone Conference

Me, after a long day of work here in Cleveland (I bought the 100 necklace from a girl in the streets for a dollar) (best purchase ever) 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Chocolate kisses to save the day... and few other miracles too

Hola Amigos

 So to start off this week I will tell you a funny story,

So when we go over to Charrise’s house with all the children I always come prepared with some candy to keep the kids focused during the lessons and this certain day I just happened to bring some chocolate kisses. Well there is this girl names Deanna that is over at Charrises a lot and she has been known to try and flirt with the missionaries. So this certain day as we were walking by she says " Hey Elder Frandsen where is my kiss?" and me being the innocent missionary that I am thought that she some how knew that I had chocolate kisses in my bag so I instinctively pulled out a few of those and gave them to her and kept on walking... ha-ha she didn’t like that so much because she was talking about a real kiss, I avoided that one quite well I thought. 

     Well this week went well, like every other week in the mission field, so I will share one of the many miracles from the week. We set a date with Charrise to quit smoking for this past Saturday and we were kind of doubting that she might make it and from the looks of it we didn’t think it was going to happen. But Friday night Charrise started to feel sick and the next day it continued until Saturday night/Sunday morning she was throwing up and wasn’t able to come to church because she went to the hospital to see what was wrong. She has been cutting back on cigarettes since we met her and the side affects finally came in to play this week on the date we had been praying for. When she went to the hospital the doctor told her she has bronchitis and her right lung is bleeding from the smoke and that she cannot smoke anymore. She hasn’t smoked since Friday night and is pretty excited (even though it was kind of painful) that she has no other choice now but to stop. God does answer prayers... just not always in the ways that we expect. So she and her children will be getting baptized on the 25th of June. 

     Another funny/cool experience from the week... we have been working with a less active member to wait drinking coffee and it has been really hard for him, This week when we were meeting with him stood up and said "take it, take it all, I don’t want the coffee in my house." and we were pretty surprised because it came out of nowhere... so he then gave us all his coffee and almost gave us his coffee maker but I didn’t feel comfortable taking that but I told him that if he really thinks he cant throw it away by himself that next time we will take it. We also hid his coffee pot ha-ha. 

Okay one more cool experience out of the many that happened. We took another less active member to the family history center to help him get some names for the temple, as we are working with him towards going to the temple and he was able to find 10 names! He was so excited when we left. It was such a cool experience to be able to watch him get into family history and realize the important work he is doing for his ancestors. That same night a Spanish couple came in and the family history worker asked me to help out because her Spanish isn’t all that great so I was able to help this couple with getting started and finding names for the temple. That was another really cool experience

     Okay sorry one more experience, The Nepal member that we have been helping to go back to church this week told us that he was going to show us what Nepal food is like so after church yesterday we went over and his aunt cooked us like a 4 course meal... we had no clue what was going on because they don’t speak the best English and were speaking Nepal most of the time so it was sort of awkward but it was also one of the greatest meals that I have ever had. It was definitely one of those priceless missionary moments... maybe once I leave here I will be able to speak Nepal too... 

Oh and the Cavs lost :(( sad day sad day....

Well, the church is true, God is good and I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to be serving the people of Cleveland.

Alma 36:17-21

Keep the commandments :-)

Love you all!

Elder Frandsen

Thursday, June 9, 2016

LeBron where you at? :(((((

Hey Y'all :') 

No one is here.. Just like the Cavs last night
      Well today is a day of mourning here in the city of Cleveland because The Cavs got Murdered last night... R.I.P... Funeral plans are on hold until further notice. 

      Other than that the week was a good one here for us missionaries. Elder Allen was transferred out and Elder Brady came in. Elder Brady is from Monroe Utah (where in the world is that?) and was previously serving in a little farm community as well... Lets just say that the last 5 days have been quite the change for him. He has been out for 6 months and he is pretty shy but he makes up for in spirit. He is a super awesome teacher, which I am grateful for. 

      The transition from Elder Allen to Elder Brady with the Stubblefield family was a little rough at first but yesterday we had one the best lessons with that family yet. Charrise has been having a hard time with all the things going on in her life and with her family. So, this week we have been focusing on eternal families and how Jesus Christ and his atonement can heal the wounds in our family relationships and as we strive to live the gospel and for an eternal family that God will lift us up through our trials. So yesterday as we were talking about it, Elder Brady at the end bore a really powerful testimony to Charrise about the atonement and the spirit came flooding the room and Charrise started crying for about five minutes. I then asked her how she was feeling and she said that she was feeling something that she had felt before but had always pushed it away. We helped her to recognize the spirit in her life and she said that she knew everything was going to be alright because she felt the spirit tell her that. She knows she has some things to change but Heavenly father and Jesus Christ will be right there with her along the way. It was exactly what she needed. It was also what Elder Brady needed, because the family has now taken him in with no problem :)) Another miracle that came from that is that after all that, the dad (Big Rock) came in and we were able to teach him the restoration and explain a couple things to him, by the end he told us that he had decided to sit in on the lessons now! 

       Elder Brady has heard horror stories about serving in Cleveland (mostly false stories from hear say of other missionaries) So, he has been on his toes this past week. One day as we were riding to an appointment there was a little dog that ran out into the street and he saw it out of the corner of his aye and thought it was a big German Shepherd and yelped just loud enough for me to look back right as he hits his front tire into the sidewalk and goes sailing over his handle bars... Elder Brady is about 6 foot 4 and 250 pounds... This is an image that I will never forget of watching my companion get chased by a little dog and flying through the air, lol. We both had a good laugh about it afterwards. 

      Right after that last experience we got on the bus and sat down next to this guy who when he saw the name "Jesus Christ" on our name tags began to tell us his whole life story of how he was saved in 1987 by accepting Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Redeemer.... since then he has served 6 sentences in prison and about how he was taken advantage of, in great detail, the first time he went to prison... I  think poor Elder Brady is scarred for life.  Hahah, but in all seriousness I have really enjoyed being with Elder Brady. He has helped me to get some of that Fire back that I had when I first came out. It has been a nice push along the path. 

       We have seen a lot of miracles with less actives these past two weeks. We have helped two get to the Family history center to get that all started so they can have a name to take to the temple here soon. The ward has started to see these people return to church and are now offering to help us with fellowshipping and it is awesome to watch these people return to church with open arms from the ward. 

       I just realized that at the end of this transfer that I will only have a year left in my time here in Ohio to serve the lord... I can't believe how fast it has gone by. I hope to make the most of every minute that I have left here. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be serving here. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world right now. God is good :)  

Dont Forget:
Say your prayers (pray for LeBron plz he needs it). 
Read some scriptures.
Go to church.
Be a good person.

John 14:15

Hasta la semana que viene,

Elder Frandsen
One of the stubblefield kids took my camera and I just found a whole bunch of random pictures lol.. Here is my little buddy Twonnie and Jeanna.

Another one of my bud twonnie

Friday, June 3, 2016

Life in the inner city :)))

Hi fam

     Well this week was another wild week with lots of strange and good things happened. 

1. The baptism fell through with it being the holiday weekend and all. The kids passed their interviews but they got offers to go to cedar point (big amusement park in Ohio) for the weekend and they are a very poor family and they don’t go on trips very much so we have pushed the baptism back a couple weeks. I think it will be good for the family because it will give Charrise some more time to quit smoking and join her 3 children when they are baptized. Another good thing that came from it was they were all able to meet with the bishop as well and get some other awesome fellowship from the ward. This is something elder Allen and I have been working on for a long time with them. 

2. Last week I forgot to tell the story of a young man named Sandesh Gazmer from Nepal. He is a refugee and he originally moved to salt lake and while he was there he was baptized into the Nepali branch. He moved to Ohio about a year after that and he lost contact with the church in the mix of things. But he got on the church’s website and referred himself and we were able to find him. He is super awesome and so are all the Nepali people. They are very kind and would give the shirt off their backs to help those in need. Also, I have now learned how to speak some very basic Nepal to use when I come over to their house. We have been teaching him English from the pamphlets and things. So we came to pick him up with a member on Sunday for church and when he came out he came with his cousin who is about the same age and not a member, so thus we have kept the 7-week streak alive of bringing a different new investigator to church. Another cool story from this was that we had a ward bbq yesterday and both Sandesh and his cousin (Gavin) came to it. The ward really took them in and now his cousin is interested in lessons and things. Miracles everywhere.

3. THE CAVS ARE GOING TO CHAMPIONSHIP :))))  the night that the cavs won the last game to make it to the finals the whole city went crazy and Elder Allen and I could not fall asleep for a while because of how loud our neighborhood was from all the fireworks and things. #allin216

4. Transfers are this week and sadly mine and Elder Allen’s time together is coming to a close. He is getting transferred to the other side of the mission. and My new companions name is Elder Brady and I will be meeting him tomorrow. I am kind of nervous with all of the investigators we have and making the transition from one Elder to the next But I think It will be okay. I have enjoyed serving with Elder Allen and I am also excited to see what my next companion has to offer as well. 

5. Good news... My hair is growing back in from that random bald spot that the barber gave me :))) SOS

6. We also were able to take our returning member to the family history center and help him get started in getting a name for the temple. It has been awesome working with this man because we met him about a month and a half ago by going through our contacts and getting the feeling that we should text him even though neither of us had met him before. The rest is history I guess. He is almost finished with the Book of Mormon, is almost done smoking and has met with the bishop to set some goals to get to the temple. I wish all people had the desire that he has. The world would be a better place. 2 days latter we also took him to hear Brad Wilcox speak at a fireside and it was one of the greatest firesides that I have ever been too. 

7. Well... Summer has officially started here in Cleveland and all I can say is that I really am not too fond of the humidity. It feels like I am walking into a sauna every time I walk out of the apartment and that doesn’t include how bad the allergies are out here. Also, It seems like the city just thinks that because it is warm outside now that they don’t have to wear any clothes... let’s just say I have seen some things that I wish I had never seen... also I think I have been offered more drugs and alcohol from random people on their porches in the last three days then the rest of my life combined. Lets just say that these last couple weeks have been probably the strangest/most interesting of my mission.  But I have learned a lot in this area and I love the ward and all the people here. 

    The church is true and the book is blue.

    Don’t forget to read your scriptures and say your prayers :)

    Proverbs 3:5-6

    Until next week,

-Elder Frandsen