Wednesday, November 16, 2016

1 Thessalonians 4:16 Trump card

The Kirkland Temple
Hey Fam, 

It's been a minute (a week) So hopefully you have had some time to recover from last weeks jokes.. :) Here are some new ones to keep you going for the week:

Q:  What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why they no longer lived in Eden?
A:  Your mother ate us out of house and home.

Q:  Who was the worst sinner in the Bible?
A:  Moses.  He broke all of the 10 commandments at once. 

Alright here is the run down for the week:

Sonja: We were able to print off some names for the temple to prepare for this Friday. I am super excited to be able to go to the temple again with a recent convert as last time I went for that it was one of my favorite experiences on my mission and I don’t think that this one will be any less special. Give you some more updates on how that goes next week. 

Mike, Lisa and Kenji: It is crazy how everyone that is preparing to be baptized the two weeks prior always has something happen that tries to deter those people from following through with that, and Mike Lisa and Kenji have all felt that Satan has been throwing things at them constantly to make them turn back but as they shared with us, one night they were having a rough time and they flipped open the Book Of Mormon and it opened to helaman 5:12 (look it up if you don’t know it) and they said that was what helped them to put everything else to the side and they all said that they wanted this too much to give up now. It is always awesome to watch as we prepare lessons for them to see how it was exactly what they needed or a certain member we bring out is just the right person that they needed. So even though Satan is trying his hardest, God is there in the midst giving them exactly what they need to get through this to receive the blessings (Mosiah 24:12-16) (Ether 12:6). They are holding strong to no smoking and no coffee and have been staying strong. Their baptism will be Sunday night, so I will send some more updates on that next week :) They are awesome. 

Longhui and Angelina: They have had all the lessons and really it seems like they have no concerns as they prepare for their baptism (keep our fingers crossed). But they have both made lots of progress in the past month especially as they finally both decided that they should be baptized. They both continue to read and have awesome questions. All is well in Zion here... 

Jonathan Bozman and Co: Still Chugging along and is still decided on being baptized on the 27th, sometimes it is hard to gauge with younger kids what they have actually taken in from what we taught them, so we have been re-teaching the lessons and he has remembered most of it and been able to tell us what it is all about, so that is always a good thing. I am excited for them to follow through with this.

In other news: This week Elder Cortez and I went to Kirtland for my Doctors appointment and were able to stop by Charrise and her family on the way back! Ahh man, I Love that family they will always have a special place in my heart and Charrise will always be my mama in Ohio, what a good lady.

This week we also got certified in CPR, there is a guy from the RLDS church that is really nice and loves having the missionaries over and offered to teach us the CPR stuff for free and certify us... so if anyone ever goes into cardiac arrest during a lesson because, they felt too much of the spirit, then I guess I will be able to bring them back! (or if they have a heart attack over the election results)

Last District picture
I came to the Toledo area with an elder Wheelwright 41/2 months ago and we have lived in the same apartment since then and he has become a good friend of mine and he is getting transferred which, is sad :( and since he is leaving president has asked me to be the district leader, which is also sad :( lol I enjoy being a regular missionary, but if the lord wants me to do something, then Ill do it. 

Remember, God loves you and knows what you are going though. Talk to him through prayer and he will answer you. 

Read ur scriptrues.
Happy post election week! 
Love y'all.
Elder frandsen

The moooooon

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


We got to be Zombies and help out with Sonjas Halloween stuff. The Clown dude is her husband.
It was pretty fun! They are such cool family.

Sup fam,

Hope things are going well! if not maybe one of my really cheesy scripture jokes will (en)lighten things up for ya,

Q:  Did all of the creatures on Noahs ark come in pairs?
A:  No.  The worms came in apples.

Q:  What did Noah say as he was loading the Ark?
A:  "Now I herd everything".

Tune in next week to hear more!

Well here is the update for the week!

Sonja: We got permission to go and help her and her family with their Halloween activities they do each year (pictures will be included). Later on in the week we went over to do family history work with her and her daughter to help Sonja get ready with some names for the temple and they were able to get one of their family lines all the way back to 244 BC and it was super awesome! We are going to the temple with her next week to do baptisms :)  She also spoke at a fireside Sunday night for new members and investigators.  She has the coolest testimony and at the end said she will always be grateful for "her" missionaries and what they have done for her. When she said that it hit me that I, the 19 year old from Utah that still feels like he has no clue what he is doing, has actually made a lasting impact on someone’s life for the better and it was pretty cool to really see and realize that. Because, we as missionaries are getting moved around so much and I know that I have been able to help others but sometimes it is hard to really realize just what we, as missionaries, are able to do for other people, because it is what we do all the time. I am grateful that I have been able to help her and many others because they in turn have made big impacts on my life that are for the better. 

​Pic taken of all the cigarettes
 they gave us to throw away 
right before we threw them away...
oh the joys of being a missionary hahah
Mike, Lisa and Kenji: 
 Kenji is so smart for being 8 years old, he asks better questions than most adults that we teach do. He is already in Alma of the Children’s Book of Mormon and tells us every little thing that happened and why he liked it each time we come over. Mike and Lisa both had a really great week as well! We were able to teach them about Temples and families and focus on the priesthood and how they will be able to go to the temple as a family a year after their baptism to be sealed together for time and all eternity. They were so excited about that and have set a goal to go to the temple in a year to 

Pic w/ Mike, Lisa,Kenji and Mike jr :) They are awesome. 

do that. It is cool to see the added peace hope and direction that comes when we realize that family relationships can continue after death. The other cool thing was that the ward fasted with Mike and Lisa this week so that they would have the strength to overcome the addictions they are trying to quit. We gave them Priesthood blessings on Saturday to help start their fast to be bale to quit smoking and be ready for their baptism on the 20th.  Right after we did that they gave us all their cigarettes and told us to go and throw them away because they were done with that stuff. They are on day 3 now and still going strong. The power of faith and action are real. They are doing really well. 

Longhui and Angelina: Longhui has been attending the singles branch and Angelina has been coming to the ward with us. Longhui is set to be baptized on the 26th and Angelina says that she has received the answer that she needs to be baptized as well, but doesn’t know if the 26th is right for her, she committed to fast this week, to know if the 26th was the right day for her as well. We will be seeing them on Wednesday to see how it went. It has been cool to watch as they once had no knowledge about religion what so ever and now they are at the point where they pray and read from the scriptures daily and have even fasted and been able to recognize God speaking to them.

The Bozman Family: they are a Part member family we have been meeting with for a little while that has recently started to slowly come back to church and the 9 year old boy, Jonathan, finally committed to baptism and said he feels he is ready now and his mom was excited about that and they set the date together for the 27th of November and they were also at church yesterday. She feels that this will help the rest of her family feel the spirit again and give them a desire to return, we are praying that as well. That would be really cool to watch and help out with. 

Well that is all for this week! The other Elders in the ward are doing really well and we both have lots of people to teach and the members are coming out with us almost every day. That really is what has helped these people progress from gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon, to gaining a testimony of church attendance, and all in all gaining a testimony of Jesus Christ. Member missionary work is the best way to do missionary work.. so just because you aren’t a full time missionary doesn’t mean that you can’t do missionary work and be able to help others come unto Christ as well. 

I love my mission, I love my companion and I love being able to serve the lord and for all the great experiences that I have had.

Read ur scriptures and say ur prayers

Love you all!

Elder Frandsen

Tuesday, November 1, 2016




To Whom it May Concern;                             Oct 31, 2016

     Well here are two really cheesy, typical Mormon jokes:

Q: Before Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet, how many letters were there in the alphabet?
A: 24, There was no D&C
Q:  Why did the Lamanites have sore knees?
A:  Because of all the (K)Ne(e)phites. 

Alright that last one might have been a stretch.... I guess we just all press on, right?

Another week down in the service of the Lord! I'll try my best to remember the highlights.

Jack Jr. :)
1.Sonja: She is doing great! She already has a calling after only being a member of the church for one week... and she is already magnifying it. She is the secretary in the Young Women’s and it is a perfect calling for her. We were also this week to do family history with her and we only had 30 minutes, but in that 30 minute time frame we found 20 names that she can take to the temple. We are doing it again this week and we will see what else we can accomplish there. I love being able to help people prepare to go to the temple and find their ancestors. Tonight, since it is Halloween and we aren’t allowed to go out tracting we are helping Sonja and her family with their Halloween activity they are doing(pictures to come next week).

2. Mike, Lisa and Kenji: Another great week for them, last week we had given them the Families and Temples pamphlet and invited them just to read the first part.  When we came back to cover it they had read it all and could have taught us the lesson. Then they told us of how they had already set it as their personal goal to be able to go to the temple a year after their baptism, to be sealed together as a family! That is always a cool thing to hear as a missionary :) Lisa, in the middle of the week, texted us and told us she was struggling with something and would like a priesthood blessing. So we went over and were able to give her a blessing and afterwards she texted us and told us she felt 'That feeling again" which was the holy ghost comforting her and letting her know that it was going to be okay and she was making the right decisions. She also said that the things she was struggling with went away and she was doing great. The power of the priesthood is real. Kenji is already half way through Mosiah in the Book of Mormon and doing awesome! They are such a great family and I am grateful to be able to teach them.

3. Elder Cortez and I were able to find 2 new investigators this week, set a baptismal date with a part member family that seems pretty solid, and have members out teaching with us 6 days this week. He is starting to feel more confident about speaking English and participates more in the lessons. The other Elders in the ward are seeing lots of success right now as well and it just seems like this ward right now is the place to be and I am glad that I am able to be here. 

4. Other than that, Elder Cortez and I were Mario and El Chapo for the ward Halloween party. Poor Elder Cortez doesn’t really know what cold weather is like and has been sleeping in his new giant winter coat every night because he is cold. 

Another day another dollar

Well that’s all for this week! Tune in next week for more from Toledo Ohio

The church is true, God loves us and Jesus is our Savior.

Don’t forget to read ur scriptures and say  ur prayers

Love, Elder Frandsen

Ward service project

P Day

Pretty Scary, huh?

Q: whats would be scarier showing up at your door step...
a killer bear and bunny or two mormon missionaries?

A: recent polling shows that here in Toledo Ohio it is a toss up!

Elder Wheelwright and I offered to help some people carry some stuff in side and
we just happened to pick the cart full of alcohol... its not what it looks like I promise