Dearest Fellow Relatives and Acquaintances , June 7, 2017
This week was yet another awesome week out here in The new Portage Branch!
Well, anyways, this week we went to Kirtland twice with investigators and each time was super great. The first time we went with a member of the branch and his friend peter. We have been wanting to go with Peter for a while and this is the last weekend that it would’ve worked out for all of us to go before the member went back out West for a few months. Cool story though, we wanted to take a tour of the temple but we got up there just after they had given the last tour and so we decided to just take some pictures from the outside and then head on down to our churches historic sites. Well one of the community of Christ interns was walking up to lock them temple up for the night right before we were about to take off and i asked her if she could show us the inner court of the temple really quick. She then ended up giving us the full tour for free plus she took us down into the basement of the temple and gave a lot of extra parts to the more in depth tour, it was awesome!! Then we went on down to our sites and had a really great tour as well and that large tour group followed us as well. I think Peter is a little bit more interested in the church now due to the fact of how many single, righteous, cute Mormon women there were... also, since Peter and I share the same name he likes to call me Pete. He is a good guy.
Next, We went to Kirtland again yesterday with an investigator names Joe. Joe has been investigating for almost 2 years on and off and we decided to pick him back up and for some reason he has just started to progress! He loved Kirtland a lot. he is really cool and I think their is a lot of hope for him! He has overcome a lot of things in his life and is still suffering from some of the side effects but he is a trooper about it. When we were in the School of the Prophets there were some really cool experiences shared and the spirit was really strong. The member that took all of us up is really awesome and really helped with being the fellowship that is needed to help someone feel welcome into any branch or ward of the church. Also, I love going to Kirtland. It is such a cool experience to be able to take investigators to the place where so many awesome things happened in the restoration of God’s Church. I wouldn’t trade serving my mission here in this area for anything. It has helped me gain such an understanding for the things of the Restoration and helped me to appreciate the early history of the church.
That is all for this week! My thoughts for the week are as such: the only way to beat Satan at his own game is by not even playing in the first place. The best way to overcome temptation is to not put yourself in those situations where you know you will be set up for failure. The moment we even set foot on the court with satan we have lost... we should be following the example of Jesus in Mathew 4:1-11 where he shows us how to put off temptation and how when we do that more and more then Satan leaves us. The more right choices you make , the easier it gets to keep doing that and the opposite of that is true also.
Well, I love you all! My time is running short out here and I am pretty sad about it :( Keep on reading your scriptures and praying with full purpose of heart and I promise that the Lord will perform miracles in your lives. He has done that to mine.
Stay super cute,
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