Hey Fam,
As always, it was another great week in the mission field and sadly the amount of Great weeks in the mission field left for me are very small... :( Buuut to explain the title of the email I will give a short story of something not so great that happened this week. Yesterday we were at a members house for a dinner, and I love this couple, they are relatively new members and live in humble circumstances, yet they have 6 smaller dogs that are very hyper. I love dogs, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes people out here have A MILLION DOGS and they are crazy. Anyways, I sat down at the table and was talking with them when I felt this warmth come from no where on my ankle and my foot and I was confused and looked down and saw that one of their many dogs had decided to mark me as their territory with a big puddle of pee :((( lol so I say in my head "act like nothing happened and figure it out later,it will be okay." Well, it was hard to focus there for a bit and keep from not laughing or something but I didn’t want them to be embarrassed and at some point they were trying to round up the dogs and looked under the table and saw the present the dog left me, and yes I felt bad for them, but I guess it is just another thing about being a missionary!! Good times.
They have all been just the right companion that I needed at that time and I hope that I was the same for them.
Other Cool things this week: Dakota, a member referral has come to church 3 weeks in a row and I have hope for him to see him go a long ways. We found a new investigator who is legitly named fat Albert. The Christie family is still doing great and the branch is so awesome at fellowshipping. Brother Stone, the one whose wife passed away a couple weeks ago, came to church for the first time in forever! The branch welcomed him right in and when we met with him on Saturday he kept talking about how all that he wanted was to be sealed to his wife and be able to go to the Temple. So we set some goals with him and are now working with him to get the Mel. Priesthood. We were tracting the other day and these two guys were really drunk and high and they said to us, "the word on the street is that we are gettin lit so we ain’t got time for the word" so we said okay and went on to the next house and we hear a cup fall down and break and the guy was like" ahh man that was my favorite cup!" Then he looks at us and says.”God works in mysterious ways huh?" It was so funny.
Well that is all fro this week! I can’t believe how fast this time has flown by... I am truly grateful for the life lessons that I have learned, the Gospel teachings that have sunk down in deep and that I have a true understandng of now. And for all the amazing experiences that I have each and every day. Life is hard and no one ever said that it would be easy but when we follow God it is all worth it. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who gave his son for us so that we could overcome the natural man within us and put the things of the world behind us and find true Joy. The atonement of Jesus Christ is amazing and blesses my life everyday. I love you all!! Remember that God loves you no matter where you are at in your life and no matter what you may have done. Don’t give up.
Stay Cute,
Elder Frandsen
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