November 21, 2016
To start off as always I got to
include a joke or too so you dont get too bored!
Who designed Noah's ark?
An ark-itect
How long did Cain hate
his brother?
As long as he was Abel.
anyways, Here is the run down for the
Sonja: She is still pressing forward
as strong as ever! we weren’t able to go to the temple with her this week
because something came up but we pushed it back to the 17th of December when
the ward is going... But other than that she is seriously a real strength for
the ward even though she is only a member of about a month and a half. The
gospel is pretty cool when you watch it in action

Longhui and Angelina: So, These two
hadn’t told their dad prior to this week that they were being baptized, and on
Saturday morning they finally approached him and asked him... and he said no.
So when we came later that day with the singles branch president and they told
us that we were definitely a little surprised... but oddly enough I wasn’t all
that worried and I felt inside that it was going to be okay for some reason. So
we asked them if we might be able to come by with a member form the singles
branch who speaks mandarin, who has a very similar background as they have, to
talk with their dad so maybe he could see what we were actually about. So later
that night they asked him if we could come over and meet him and he said no he
didn’t think that was necessary... but the thing is that Angelina had asked him
in English if we could be baptized... and he doesn’t speak English very well...
so he plugged baptism into google translate and when he saw what it actually
was he said "oh, that's what it is.. well yeah you can get baptized."
Lol, who knows what he thought she was asking before but I am glad we got all
of that figured out because it was a mess putting it on hold then replanning
it... But finally it is all settled and everything is well in Zion. I will give
you an update next week of how the baptism goes :)
Bozman fam: We have reviewed most of
the lessons with Jonathan and he is still on track to be baptized this coming Sunday,
We also invited his cousin to sit in on a couple lessons when she was there and
she has been interested in coming to church and actually came with them a week
ago. Her mom is a member but has not been to church in who knows how long but
she has been talking with Jonathan’s mom and said she wants to be baptized as
well.. and for being only 10 she has remembered everything we taught and is
really interested. So hopefully this next week we will meet with her mom and
see if it is alright if her daughter is baptized and comes to church with Jonathan....
we will give you updates on all that next week as well :)
Other: Well, The members have been
very pro active recently about coming teaching with us and we have definitely
seen the fruits of all that. Elder Cortez is still learning lots of English and
teaching more and more of how we need to love everyone. He is a good example
for me even though I am supposed to be training him, he is teaching me. I am very
grateful for all the opportunities and what not that Heavenly father has
blessed me with whether it be here on my mission or back at home.. I truly have
been blessed with so many great things, especially my family and parents, that
I have nothing to complain about when I think things are hard. I hope Y'all
have a great Thanksgiving and can recognize God’s hand in your life.
I would love to hear from You all!
Philippians 4:13
Don’t forget to read your scriptures
and pray daily :)
Love ya!
Elder Frandsen
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