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Posterity picture (Elder Ogle , grandpa, Me, dad, Elder Cortez, Son) and the last time I will see Elder Ogle before he goes home this month :(( |
Here are a couple to start out...
Q: Who puts the leaves back on the trees
in Spring?
A: The Re-leaf Society.
Q: Why didn't the BYU football team have a
good season?
A: Every time they earned 10 yards, they
had to give one back for tithing.
Well here in an update
from the week:

2. Let's see, Mike, Lisa,
and Kenji are doing great right now! Mike got interviewed for the priesthood
yesterday and next week he will be receiving it... Lisa did family history
with the Bishop and found a bunch of names and a line that goes all the way
back to the 1400's and Kenji is still Kenji. They are really excited to be able
to go to the temple in a couple weeks with the ward. It is always so cool to
watch as the ward continues to welcome them in as a part of their ward family.
3. Sonja is still the
most prepared person I have ever met... It is crazy that within the short time
I have been here, that I have watched her go from non-member to fully involved
active member who is fulfilling a calling. She is excited to be able to go to
the temple with the ward in a couple weeks as well.
4. Jonathan Bozman got
confirmed on Sunday and it went really well... His cousins Nikki and
Savannah , the 2 new investigators we picked up a couple weeks ago, came as
well. We have been able to teach them half of the discussions this week and
they have kept all of the commitments we leave. They told us how they feel so
much better when they read and pray every day and how they are excited to be
baptized in a couple weeks... The simple things of just reading and praying a
little bit each day can make a sudden impact in our lives and yet so many of us
cant make time because we are too busy to do those things.
5. Longhui and
Angelina... They are both progressing really well and this week we have been
reviewing lessons we taught in the past and their mom said she will be in town
next week and wants to talk to Longhui first about being baptized before it
happens. She said that she feels
it would be a good decision for him to make. So hopefully she will
continue to feel that way.
6. Last night Elder
Cortez and I got to go to the Toledo zoo lights with a member’s daughter and
husband because a couple weeks ago we were over at the mom/s house doing
service and got to talk with the daughter and helped her with some stuff She
said that she wanted to do something nice for the missionaries so she took us
with her family to the zoo Christmas lights and it was pretty sweet... Who
knows, maybe ten years down the road they will run into some other missionaries
and they will be ready then to learn more and what not.
7. It snowed a little bit
this week and it was the first time that Elder Cortez has seen snow. Let's just say after about 5
minutes of it he decided that he doesn’t like snow, Hahaha Poor kid... I can’t
wait to see what he does when he wakes up one morning and there is a foot of
snow outside on the ground.
Well that is all for the
week! It went by really fast... But then again so have the last 17 months.
Something that stuck out to me from my studies this week and for the previous
couple weeks is the importance of charity in all the things we do. Moroni
7:40-48 teaches me something new each day as I think about it and what it means
and how I can apply it. If we aren’t doing the things we do each day for others
out of charity, then it is for nothing and we are missing the point. When
Christ asks us to become more like him and our father in heaven, he talks
before that about how we need to love, so as we strive to become more like
Christ we will become more loving and care about others and not just about ourselves.
I am grateful for the scriptures and all the things that they have taught
Love you all! Don’t
forget to read your scriptures :)
Until next week,
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