November 28, 2016
Hey fam,
Hey fam,
Hope the Turkey and pie treated you
Q: How many Mormons does it take to
change a Light bulb?
A: One to preside... One to conduct... One to say
the opening prayer... One to bring the jello salad....
I’m running out of jokes here...
(probably a good thing)
Anyways, Here is a run down of how
the week went:
Sonja: Still killing it.. She is
super awesome.
Mike Lisa and Kenji: Well... It was
an interesting week to say the least. Mike is struggling with an illness right
now and so it is making things pretty hard for him and this week was a struggle
to say the least. Full of up and downs but at the end of it all, he was able to
come to church and get confirmed. It was a good experience for him and will hopefully
be something he can rely on to get him through all of this. He has definitely
made a lot of changes as he found the Gospel and he is grateful for the support
of everyone and he said it came right at the perfect time, because if it hadn’t
he probably wouldn’t have made it through the last couple months. Keep him in
your prayers. Lisa is doing awesome despite all of the crazy things going on
around her. She has been able to
find peace through the Gospel and her new found faith... It is really cool
to see someone get it, to just understand that the gospel won’t all of a sudden
make life perfect but it will make it so we can find peace through our trials
and rely on Christ always. She asked us for 4 books of Mormons to give out
to her friends and family and keeps telling us how it is so frustrating because
she wants to just give it to everyone, but she knows that she cant force it
upon everyone, lol. Kenji as always is just being Kenji and doing great. I am
glad that their confirmations went well and the ward has welcomed them in with
open arms
Longhui and Angelina: So last week at
this time all the plans were set and everything for them to be baptized this
last weekend, but as with most things nothing quite ever goes as planned, but
that is okay. We went over on Wednesday and Angelina said that they had talked
to their mom who lives in Virginia and she had said no to them being baptized,
and Longhui would have to wait until after he graduates from college... :( But
there is more! So we shared Ether 12:6 and talked about how at times we have
trials in our faith, but if we stay strong and trust in the lord that good
things will come and we will understand why things happen the way they do and
encouraged them to pray that their parents hearts would be softened. Well we
saw them again on Friday and at the end of the lesson Angelina offered a really
cool prayer and very simply said, "Please let my mom understand why we
want to be baptized and that she will be okay with it.” It really touched me so
I offered a short prayer and asked that if it was God’s will that her prayer
would be answered... so later that night they texted us and said that their mom
had said yes that Longhui could be baptized first and see how it is and then
Angelina could follow after if it is what she wants! The only thing is that she
wants them too wait until she comes home for christmas. I know God answers
prayers but I wasn’t expecting him to answer that fast... Pretty cool. This
week we will find out more about that.

Other: Thanksgiving was awesome and I
think I am going to have to wait to eat any more pumpkin pie for another
year... But the family we had it with was very nice and we got to relax and
enjoy the day and so with all of the crazy things that happened this week it
was really nice to have a break for a day. We won the turkey bowl. We are
biking 20 miles a day and it is cold so we dress up like marshmallows and about
5 minutes into it we are both sweating way too much because it is too hot, lol.
We have probably raked about a million leaves and we are extremely busy,
probably the busiest I have been on my mission. A busy missionary is a happy missionary. So life is good.
Love y'all :)
Until next week,
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